When I started the cleanse and started blogging, my friend Emma shared her story with me and introduced me to the concept of the cheat night. Tonight I can easily say that it was cheat night, and I can't say I enjoyed it. I am 4 days through the other side of my 2 week cleanse, and am facing so many challenges now, than I did during the initial cleanse period. The cleanse seems like a dawdle, in comparison to the 4 days passed.
I want to share with you all a few things that have occurred for me over the last 4 days that are really excellent lessons that I have learn't about food and eating for myself in that they might help you if you are thinking about eating rubbish food. Thats right folks!! I have been a guinea pig for you all in the name of "Finding Health" and I can definitely say that the tests I have been conducting have been a win and a big fat old FAIL.
As I write this, my level of energy is extremely less so that the last two weeks based on the fact that my dinner was RUBBISH this evening. I have been at a pot luck dinner and disco at my sons Kindy. Claire made a beautiful quiche type dish, packed with veg and egg. Un/fortunately we were able to bring home half of it! The fact that there was half left over meant that all of the chicken and pizza and hot chips and deep fried treats were readily smashed down the gate. As a consequence of the lack of healthy food options (and I wasn't prepared) I indulged, filled my boots and now my tummy is paying the price. I feel bloated, I feel grumpy, I have an awful taste in my mouth and a very good lesson learned.
Lesson 1 - Shitty food is not worth the energy it takes to lift it from the plate to your mouth and it does nothing good for your body.
The other thing I have discovered is that the refined sugar in food tastes so artificial and fake. I have eaten this week 2 oat cookies, 1 small slice of chocolate cake, a peanut slab and a wee honey ricey's cake (home made). The two cookies and cakes were eaten along side of fruit and the fruit won as far as taste went. I had a small slice of cake this morning at break and the sugar nearly blew my head off and the headache that came after was a pain in the arse. Sugar highs are mud, and it made me think of what they must do to kids. I had a peanut slab last night. This used to be an old favorite. After being quite excited about eating it, I can honestly say that I was under whelmed with the over all experience.
Lesson 2 - Sweet food doesn't taste as good as the idea that its going to taste amazing. I am better off snacking on a couple of dried apricots, dates and some almonds.
The good work that I have done prior to now has yielded some really excellent results for me. I am sleeping better, I am feeling less lethargic (although tomorrow might be a little different), when my body is hungry I am reaching for fruit and veggies and nuts and seeds as opposed to chocolate bars and cookies, and I still haven't felt the need to caffein-ate myself at all. I am even craving a nice fresh RAW power salad, with carrot, beetroot and the likes. WIN
Tomorrow is always another day and I am looking forward to getting back on track, and not that I have deviated that far off it to begin with, I am kind of walking on the grass verge of healthy street today. Time to stop being a health tourist and get amongst it. Cheat day has been interesting, a learning curve and a day that I can commit to the past. Tomorrow is another day, ending in Y, and I love days ending in Y. Be kind to yourself, eat some tasty fruit
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