Monday, 11 June 2012

Day 1- More fruit than I have ever seen in my 2 fridges

Prepped and ready, I got up this morning raring to go. My day time meals had all been prepared  the night before so all that was to do was mix up a wee smoothie and drink the bugger. My breakfast usually consists of a cup of coffee, 3 weetbix and some milk, yoghurt and maybe some tineed peaches. Five years ago it used to consist of 3 cups of coffee two cigarrettes and maybe if I could be arsed a piece of toast. It is truly amazing what can happen in a relatively short space of time and the smoothie that I had this fine morning was a little bit full on but I persevered and got through a healthy glass of it.

I am really fortunate to be getting some advice from Kauia Moriarty, who is an avid food fan, and has designed similar food plans for herself and family and friends and now me! I think one of the biggest challenges anyone might face in doing one of these food things is "where do I start?" and "what do i need to buy?"ultimately I have had good counsel and i know that I have got  good peeps in my corner to bounce ideas, thoughts and feelings, food ideas and a general touch stone for the tough times, and successes. A support crew is key.

Day ones menu has consisted of these items

Breaky: 1 Tropical fruit fix up smoothie
Morning tea:1 date energy ball and an orange
Lunch: Roast Kumara and crunchy red veg & brown lentil Salad w/tahini dressing (possibly a fart salad) and some veggie sticks with some home made pesto (which i made and is a little bit good)
Snack: 1 banana, 1 apple and 10 little almonds
Dinner: Crunchy Quinoa (pronounce kinwaa instead of quinnowa, thanks for correcting me Ryan and Tanya, not one you want to drop in the health food shop and feel like a dick) salad with a crap load of cauli, broc and brussle sprouts.

Photos and recipes to follow in a few days

I had lemon and ginger herbal tea, hot water and also a wee dandelion tea which tastes nothing like coffee. Also Its recommended that you drink plenty of water. Pee should be clear..

I did have a few moments today when I was a bit headachy, or listless.. especially carb treats seeing that it is forecast for snow in Dunedin tonight. Our lovely friend bought us over a fish pie and a block of chocolate. Admittedly I did consider the sneaky bit, but refrained. Win to me!

There have been some excellent gains today though and it is important to note them down. I have been coffee free since Thursday and this aspect is definitely getting easier. The other gains have been really pleasing. I am humbled by the supportive comments I have received from my facebook peeps, and have been absolutely stoked with the conversations that have been happening on line, around the office and in my home about food and about eating well. i really hope the conversations continue as they keep me focused on keeping on. Claire (love of my life) refrained from muffins and the likes todayand fully supported me by prepping the Quinoa salad for my tea, while wrangling three little ones. Thats love :-) This is day one.. it only gets betterer from here.

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