Sunday, 10 June 2012

Getting Clean...

I am about to embark on a food journey that will see me eat probably more fruit and vegetables in 14 days than I have in the last two decades. Fruit has been like a real effort to eat in the past, as has eating healthily. This is about to change. Drastically.

The lead up to putting myself through a food cleanse type activity as I mentioned earlier is based on some reading and watching I have been doing lately and was reinforced tonight when on the Sunday programme they showed a story about sugar and how it is a problem in NZ. I want to do a good turn to myself so over the next two weeks I am removing carbs, sugar, caffeine and dairy from my diet, and replacing it with a whole lot of veggie and fruity goodness.

In preparation I have spent the last two hours pulsing and mixing ingredients which at one stage felt like food alchemy (in my brain) and I felt really excited while I was chopping and blending, and soaking and of course tasting what I was making. I have made my first ever pesto and roasted off a whole lot of kumara, chopped a whole lot of veg and rolled a dozen or so date balls. I am really proud of my efforts. I have put my beer drinking and nacho chewing ways on hold and am embracing the fresh!!

One thing I have found in the lead up to starting this food week has been the little mind games I have been playing with myself. As soon as I felt like I was going to go 'without' I started eating all the candy, drinking all the beer and eating all the carbs I could find. In more effective preparation though I have been coffee free for three days now, and have made a big effort to start eating more fruit and eating less bread, so that my body doesn't go into too much of a funk when the bread doesn't get delivered  next week. I am ready to give the 14 day challenge a bloody good go.

Another thing that I am really lucky with is that my family are right behind me, and my lovely wife Claire has organised things so that we could get to the shops and markets in time to be ready for Monday. I know also that she would be joining me if it weren't for her having to nurse or month old baby girl. The amount of food and seeds and things that I have bought this weekend is really mind boggling, and our fridge now is full of wonderful fruit and veggies. Yusssssssssssss

I am really excited, a little nervous about how my body and mind are going to rebel this next 14 days, but mostly excited. Photos, Recipes, lists, reactions, cost, successes , failures, and results will all be covered in a day by day blow by blow account of how this cleanse pans out. Tomorrow I will post starting weights and tummy/chest/waist measurements too, to see if there is any physical improvements as well as the what I already anticipate over all well being benefits.

Arohanui to you all.

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